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Posts Tagged ‘northdown

Toasted Oatmeal Stout – Its about time I made a Roasted Barley based Stout so the other week I toasted some oats in the oven, checking every 5 mins and turning them, they just began to catch so I stopped at this point (Slight oven-smell to them, hope this doesn’t come through to the finished beer).
Nice solid bittering from Northdown and a little Challenger thrown in at the end too. The Malt bill is just an altered Guinness recipe splitting the 20% Flaked barley between Caramalt & Flaked Oats (should be better than Guinness).

Pale Malt – 70%
Flaked Oats, Toasted – 10%
Roasted Barley – 10%
Caramalt – 10%

Northdown – 6.2 % @ 60 mins – 42g (FWH)
Northdown – 6.2 % @ 30 mins – 42g
Northdown – 6.2 % @ 0 mins – 15g (15min Steep at 100c)
Challenger – 7.6 % @ 0 mins – 15g (15min Steep at 100c)

Final Volume: 23 Litres
Original Gravity: 1.046
Final Gravity: 1.015
Alcohol Content: 4% ABV
Total Liquor: 33.4 Litres
Mash Liquor: 12.2 Litres
Mash Efficiency: 75 %
Bitterness: 45 EBU
Colour: 211 EBC
Mash: 67°c for over 2 hours as I had stuff to do.
Yeast: Safale US-05

The malts, this actually dropped to 10°c, the Oatmeal is at the top so you can see the colour:
Copper filling onto First Wort Northdown hops:
I managed the protafloc all by my self:
Flameout hops going in:
Malt Recycling, she turns it into poo amazingly well:
One division in the meniscus, 1046 on the nail at 20°c:

Pretty slow but no fuss brewday, left the copper to clean later, in the fridge set at 19.5°c
According to BeerEngine I just topped 90% Mash efficiency on this brew, I shall put this down to the Oatmeal which simply disintegrated in the mash and the extended mash rest.

*Bottled 5th Feb ’12 with 60g White Sugar.

Northdown IPA – hopefully this will be a well bittered beer, I’m going easy on the late hops as I want the flavour to be balanced with the bitterness, the dry hopping will hopefully add some lighter flavour and aroma too.
My 69th All Grain brewday, ‘nudge nudge, wink wink’….
This brew is part of my research into brewing a good English IPA for the forthcoming NCB meeting / Competition at Saltaire Brewery in March next year, I may or may not enter the competition but either way I’ll be brewing for charity for the bar.
The Malt bill is a little off piste as I’m using Lager Malt as the base with some Munich to add back some maltiness to create a Faux-Pale-Malt with a touch of Dark Crystal for colour. I’ve currently got more Lager Malt, hence the reason for using it over Pale Malt.
It seems I have a mouse in the garage who has been nibbling the corner of my malt sack so its now been sealed up safely away from it in my usual blue HDPE bins.

Lager Malt – 4620g – 75%
Munich Malt – 920g – 15%
Wheat Malt – 490g – 8%
Crystal Malt, Extra Dark – 120g – 2%

First Gold – 7.9 % @ 60 mins – 55g (FWH)
First Gold – 7.9 % @ 30 mins – 55g
Northdown – 7.5 % @ 15 mins – 20g
Northdown – 7.5 % @ 0 mins – 30g (20-30min steep)

Dry Hops:
Northdown – 50g after initial fermentation has settled down and the beer is being cooled to 17°c

Final Volume: 23 Litres
Original Gravity: 1.060
Final Gravity: 1.014
Alcohol Content: 6% ABV
Total Liquor: 34.5 Litres
Mash Liquor: 14.8 Litres
Mash Efficiency: 75 %
Bitterness: 83 EBU
Colour: 26 EBC

I’m not taking any photos today, they are bound to look identical to a lot of other brewdays.

Post brew:
I mashed for 60 minutes at 66°c, sparge liquor at 77°c with 2 batches each time recirculating between 4-6 litres to attain a nice clear wort flow into the copper. Apparently I got 72% Mash efficiency, Bairds malt seems to be getting consistently worse at work so it follows that it will at home too (Maybe when I’ve got some spare cash I’ll buy a sack from another Maltster).
Boiled for 60 minutes with hop charges as First Wort, 30mins, 15mins and Flameout steep hops for 28mins.
Cooled to 20°c and let stand for 20 minutes for the hops and trub to settle before recirculating about 1 litre to get a nice clear wort. Wort looking a good  fairly deep colour.
Actually got about 1058 so probably missed out on the 6% mark slightly depending on how the yeast ferments out.
Pitched Safale US-05.

OK, just a couple of photos of the FV in the Fermentation fridge:
AG#69 - Northdown IPA
Temperature sensor taped on with a piece of insulating foam:
AG#69 - Northdown IPA
I’ve set the fridge to 20°c and will raise it 1 degree each day to no higher than 23°c

*9th Dec ’11 Dry Hopped with 49g Northdown, OG 1014-1016-ish, this should give me a good idea what the hop is like dry 🙂

*13th Dec ’11 – Northdown Dry hopping is currently tasting rather bland, I may well add a similar amount of First Gold.

*14th Dec ’11 – More dry hopping done, First Gold 49g + East Kent Goldings 46g

*Bottled 24th Dec ’11 with 70g White Sugar – and having a bit of a taste…
Its not bad, the dry hopping has worked and although not as in-yer-face as US/NZ hops its still very present, it has the grassy notes that a German Dry-hopped beer would have and I know will settle down in a couple of weeks.
I’m sure the Northdown didn’t contribute much to the dry hopping so its the First Gold and EKGs that have added the mouth-coating hoppiness. This might be a good beer, which has surprised me after the initial Northdown hopping.
Note to self: Pellet dry hops would probably add to the intensity (Skim yeast and dry hop bit by bit for a week while cooled?).

*4th Jan ’12 – Taster bottle, carbonation is right, Bitterness is nice and smooth, flavour & aroma remind me of Bobek / Styrian and what-dry-sawdust might taste like, I’m bot a huge Bobek fan, not my best effort. For the amount of dry hops I had thrown at this I would have expected much more intensity, some grassiness is just there, alcohol is fairly noticable in the finish, it gets better as you go down the glass and your taste buds realign, I’m going to need an expert second opinion on this… who knows it might improve with a couple more weeks or a month.

*31st Mar ’12 – This just took 3rd place in the Northern Craft Brewers / Saltaire Brewery English IPA competition.
We had a busy but brilliant day of running the bar and tasting some excellent home-brewed beer both from Cask on the bar and bottle tastings. It was great to see some familiar faces and lots of new faces from Twitter & the home brewing forums. We had almost 40 entries to the English IPA competition and it took the beer judges a great deal of deliberation to pick the top three and further Highly Commended beers.

*12th Jun ’12 – This is ‘Smooth as’ and chilled from the fridge is really hitting the mark, I dare say I’ll brew a big English IPA again, with even more dry Hops 😉

I started out with the Coniston Bluebird recipe but I’ve not got enough Challenger in the Freezer, so Northdown will be taking the place of most of the Challenger and there’s going to be some late Fuggles also as I want to finish a bag off.
The Malts are a bit like this too and I’ve moved away a little from the original, I had a bag of Wheat malt that I have a plan for 2kg’s of (Wheat Beer with WB-06) so the remainder of that Wheat is going in this along with a part bag of Crystal Malt which is near as damn it right for a Bluebird clone 😉
Additions to the above are Crystal Rye & Crystal Wheat.

Maris Otter 3450g 84.8%
Wheat Malt 264g 6.5%
Crystal Malt 154g 3.8%
Crystal Rye Malt 100g 2.5%
Crystal Wheat Malt 100g 2.5%

The Malts are weighed out and ready with 1 Tsp of Gypsum for the mash:
Hops are liable to change as I only roughly weighed what hops I’ll be using so anything over these weights will be thrown in at the end of boil.
Northdown – 60 mins 25g (FWH)
Northdown – 30 mins 8g
Northdown – 20 mins 15g
Challenger – 0 mins 19g
Fuggle – 0 mins 28g

Mash on @ 7.45am for maybe 60 or 90 mins:
Pretty much hit my choice of Mash temperatures but found I have about a 1.5C variance across my three thermometers, 2 digital and 1 spirit:
Today’s hops all weighed out:

Beer profile:
Final Volume: 23 Litres
Original Gravity: 1.040
Final Gravity: 1.010
Alcohol Content: 3.8% ABV
Total Liquor: 32.4 Litres
Mash Liquor: 10.2 Litres
Mash Efficiency: 75 %
Bitterness: 34 EBU
Colour: 21 EBC

I’ll be using some Thick Edinburgh Ale Yeast I skimmed off my fermenter the other day, should be raring to go 🙂

Filling the Tun with the 1st batch sparge:
Top-down view of the FWH+Gypsum in thw Copper, Mash Tun and Underback:
Chiller already been in the copper for 15mins to sanitise, Flame Out hops in for a 20 or 30min steep:
Lovely thick skimmed Edinburgh Ale yeast from my last brew:
OG 1042, 2 points more than needed but near enough:
A good colour and very clear wort, tasted pretty good too:
Updates are on my T.watter page as I remember 🙂

A No Fuss Brewday 🙂

Yeast Action Update, it was off like a rocket!

*Bottled 20th May ’10 with 75g Sugar, dropped to FG 1010 / 1012 tastes to have lots of body and a full robust flavour from the hops.

Stout of my Head

Golden Promise 1800g
Flaked Barley 500g
Roasted Hemp Seed 250g
Wheat Malt 100g
Crystal Malt, Dark 100g
Roasted Barley 90g
Chocolate Malt 80g
(I also added a tiny bit of Maize which might just act like Corn Flour and Set my Mash!)

Northdown 60 mins 25g (FWH)

Final Volume: 12 Litres
Original Gravity: 1.048
Final Gravity: 1.013
Alcohol Content: 4.5% ABV
Total Liquor: 19.1 Litres
Mash Liquor: 7.3 Litres
Mash Efficiency: 75 %
Bitterness: 40 EBU
Colour: 172 EBC

Grain weighed out, Golden Promise Malt, Flaked Barley, Dark Crystal Malt,Roasted Barley, Chocolate Malt, Roasted Hemp Seed,Gypsum, Coffee ground Corn I picked while out walking:
Grain Temp:
Treated water going into the Boiler, Just heating up enough for a little over the Mash Volume:
Mashing, I got the other half to take this shot:
After a bit of messing about, mash on at 9am @ 67.6C for 90mins:
pH right on the money, I’m going to give up using these test strips as every mash I’ve done so far has been close enough not to bother:
Grain bed at end of mash:
Mash temp at 90mins:
Northdown FWH:
Hops in the wort, its really dark I think I got more colour than I bargained for! Mash efficiency says 80.5% which could be more than planned due to some extract from the Roasted Hemp:
The Recycling Crew:
Just come to a nice rolling boil:
Trub at the bottom of the boiler:
OG: 1044 @ 22c so near enough to predicted 1048:

A pretty easy brewday, sparge ran off lovely and clear with no sign of anything sticking. Did a quick mix and ran off without letting it settle, both batches were good, could it be this technique or the fact that I had Flaked barley in there that kept the grain bed structure more open??

Pitched s-04 just Dry sprinkled at 22C and put to bed 🙂

*Bottled 15th Dec ’09

Its a two Batch day, I’m doing 12 litres a piece and actually taking my time over it. I decided to Mash then Sparge and collect, then Mash then Sparge and collect followed by 2 boils.

AG#13 – Bloody Nelson

Golden Promise 2090g
Wheat Malt 260g
German Cara Red 260g

Nelson Sauvin 60 mins 0 lbs. 0.4 oz 10g (FWH)
Nelson Sauvin 15 mins 0 lbs. 0.4 oz 10g
Nelson Sauvin 0 mins 0 lbs. 0.4 oz 20g (I’ve doubled this from 10g as the hops were smelling good)

Final Volume: 12 Litres
Original Gravity: 1.048
Final Gravity: 1.012
Alcohol Content: 4.7% ABV
Total Liquor: 18.8 Litres
Mash Liquor: 6.5 Litres
Mash Efficiency: 75 %
Bitterness: 34 EBU
Colour: 15 EBC

The Grains, golden promise pale malt, wheat malt, carared malt, 1 tsp gypsum:
New toy with little Brewing calculator on it, mashed in @ 67.7c:
FWH & 1 Tsp Gypsum:
12g of Nottingham Yeast:
20min steep of flame Out hops:
Rehydrated Notts yeast within 1 degree of my wort temp:

All put to bed now, lots of yeast for the 12L length, should get going pretty quick.
I’m not too sure if the CaraRed Malt has done its stuff, looked a bit straw-like in the boiler, will see better at bottling.
Near as damn it hit my OG just a point or two out. 🙂

AG#14 – Black Promise

Golden Promise 1880g
Wheat Malt 260g
Black Malt 100g
Crystal Malt 100g

Northdown 60 mins 5g (FWH)
Whitbread Golding 60 mins 5g (FWH)
Fuggle 60 mins 5g (FWH)
Whitbread Golding 20 mins 20g
Home Grown Fuggle 10 mins 21g

Final Volume: 12 Litres
Original Gravity: 1.044
Final Gravity: 1.012
Alcohol Content: 4.1% ABV
Total Liquor: 18.5 Litres
Mash Liquor: 5.9 Litres
Mash Efficiency: 75 %
Bitterness: 36 EBU
Colour: 86 EBC

Grain weighed out, golden promise pale malt, black malt, crystal malt, wheat malt, 1 tsp gypsum, 1/2 tsp Calcium Chloride:
New toy with little Brewing calculator on it, mashed in @ 66c:
Good deep colour, though tastes a bit mild I was hoping for more of the Black malt flavours:
WGV going in!:
Home grown Fuggles going in:
Near enough for me:

All done, I just hope the Black malt comes through with the flavour as well as the colour. 🙂

**Bottled Bloody Nelson 27th Nov ’09 with 50g of DSM

**Black Promise *Bottled 3rd Dec ’09 with 55g of DSM

Yorkshire Trappist Red


Lager Malt 3300g
Munich Malt 800g
Vienna Malt 800g
Golden Syrup 680g (to be added at least half way through-ish)
Belgian Aromatic Malt 400g
Caramalt 400g
Wheat Malt 300g
German Cara Red 200g
Total 6.2kg Grain

Boadicea @ 60 mins – 31g (FWH)
Saaz Whole @ 10 mins – 23g
Hallertauer Hersbrucker @ 10 mins – 23g
Protafloc Tablet Pellet @ 20 mins

Final Volume: 23 Litres
Original Gravity: 1.070
Final Gravity: 1.012
Alcohol Content: 7.7% ABV
Total Liquor: 34.5 Litres
Mash Liquor: 15.5 Litres
Mash Efficiency: 75 %
Bitterness: 26 EBU
Colour: 23 EBC

Whitelabs WLP500 Trappist yeast, 2 Litre starter.
90 Minute Mash @ 66 C (2 Tsp Gysum to grist)

Maybe 3 sparge batches as the Mash tun looks pretty full, but I’ll see as I go.
Water from the hot tap treated with Sodium Met, I made sure i treated lots in preparation this time:
The Grain bill, all mixed up, weighed out last night:
Mash on at 66 C for 90 mins:
Mash pH looks spot on, 2 heaped Tsp of Gypsum were added to the grist before mashing, though otherwise no other water treatment:
First Run-off:
FWH Boadicea, and Northdown as I ran out of Boadicea:
Saaz and Hersbrucker, Golden Syrup, Protafloc and Yeast Nutrient:
Lovely fat Northdown hop:
Spent Grains:
Spent Grain Recycling:
Coming to the Boil:
Saaz & Hersbrucker 10 minute hops:
Experiment with 3L and safale s-04 to see what I’m missing using the WLP500, and I saved a bit of my 2.5L starter to culture up a little more Trappist yeast, I let down my wort a little with bottled water:
This was shot with a white light LED torch behind to get some idea of the colour, I was aiming for something red, it looked better in the sunlight near the window:

OG:1066ish, just a few points lower than anticipated, won’t be worrying about that:)

A little Video Link –

Less than 24 hours later: Fermenting away with a good yeast head @ 18 Deg C this morning, I admit I was a little scared in leaving the FV on the cold cellar floor and not all tucked up and warm in my brewing cupboard. I’m going for the “earthy” character of the yeast…

After 4 days: Trial Jar and hydro says gravity 1026, so thats from pitched yeast on Saturday afternoon until now, is this normal for an 18 Deg C ferment????
The taste test btw,…. very different! Though there’s a fair amount of un-fermented sugars in there yet, has a very malty profile so far.

6 Days later: warmed it up to about 22 C.
The Smell is pears, taste is getting to a mild chalkiness with the pear coming through too.
Still tastes malty but it has gone a little now I’ve got the FV temperature up and Its dropped about 10 points though still quite actively fermenting with plenty of bubbles rising to the surface.
You also get a bit of warming in your throat from the alcohol.
Loads of yeast still in suspension.

*Bottled 29rd Oct ‘09 with 85g sugar to about 19-20 litres.

The yeast is surprisingly subtle, loads of malt flavour, still some pear flavour and aroma.
OG @ 1010 so its got to target.
Bottling about 19-20L with 85g sugar and bottling my s-04 3L with 25g sugar.
Tasted the s-04 batch, its like Wine, the alcohol comes straight through.

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