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Posts Tagged ‘carafa special III

Kraftwort – I really enjoyed last years brew of ‘Big Malty Smoke beer‘ so I thought I’d do a smokier one this year, and to add a little extra to it I’m doing a Double Decoction.

Rauch Malt (Weyermann) – 56.3%
Oak-Smoked Pale Wheat Malt (Weyermann) – 28.2%
Munich Type I (Weyermann) – 14.1%
Carafa Special III (Weyermann) – 1.4%

Spalt Select – 5.2 % @ 60 mins – 70g
Spalt Select – 5.2 % @ 0 mins – 30g

Final Volume: 25 Litres
Original Gravity: 1.064
Final Gravity: 1.015
Alcohol Content: 6.4% ABV
Mash Efficiency: 75 %
Bitterness: 33 EBU
Colour: 57 EBC
Mash: Infusion to 52°c for 30mins, Decoction to 65°c for 60mins, Decoction to 71°c, Sparge at 78°c
Yeast: 2x Safale us-05 and a cool 18°c ferment

The malts & Temp:
Hops from Simply:
The First Decoction went well and took me upto saccrification temperature:
A rather nice deep colour from the first runnings:
Messy splattered mash tun after the decoctions:
In go the hops:
Chillin’ I left it to get nice and cold:

Liquored back hot in the copper with a couple of litres and the refractometer, ended up with 1063.5 so near enough, I have been using hot liquor to liquorback in FV with lately but I wanted to keep the temp in the FV nice and low, which i did.

Bit of a long brewday with the decoctions and rests, smells a tastes good already 🙂

*29th Oct ’13 – I warmed it up a couple of days ago and let it finish off, its at a steady 1009.5 making it 7.1%!!! I’m chilling it down now ready for bottling.

*Bottled 3rd Nov ’13 – with 122g white sugar primings, tasting good, tastes very smokey 🙂

*20th Nov ’13 – Taster time, this is starting to be good now, its plenty smokey but subtle all at the same time.

I shall be abstaining from brewdays for a while, normal service will resume once I’ve got through some of the beer!

This weekend I bottled my last two brews, Ta Moko II & Chinook Blonde and I’m still warm conditioning my Double IPA HopZilla IPA… so thats *6 crates of beer sat in our office/study/room/thing 🙂 *Crates hold 20 bottles of 500ml or 24 x 330ml

Garage beer stocks are pretty high with lots more full crates stashed in there too… the Temperature control on the fermentation fridge has been turned off and the HLT is empty! (Hop Freezer is Full!)

There are Whitelabs yeasts in the fridge to brew with once I get going again:

  • Brett WLP650 (Something with Flaked Oats and Wheat malt, lots of Cara/Crystal malts)
  • Belgian Blend (Might get some more Date Molasses)
  • Hefeweizen (I’ll go the whole decoction hog but hop with Amarillo & Nelson Sauvin +dry)
  • Kólsch (Ideas for an IPA, a Malty Smoke beer, and maybe a Red Rye)
  • San Diego Super (I’m sure I’ll have plenty of options for this one… US Brown re-brew with tweaks?)
  • Edinburgh Ale (Something British, might do a Fuggle IPA and a Coniston Bluebird-esqe bitter)

Malts are pretty plentiful too:

Pale Malt, Lager Malt, Caramalt, Choc Malt, Choc Wheat, Crystal, Extra Dark Crystal, Flaked Barley, Flaked Oats, Pale Crystal, Carahell, Roast Barley, Carapils, Cara-munich Type III, Carafa Special III, Special B, CaraAmber, Medium Peat Smoked, Roasted Wheat, Black Malt, Brown Malt, Roasted Rye, Crystal Rye, Cara Vienna, Pale Oat Malt, Melanoidin, Flaked Wheat, Muinch Type I, Munich Type II, Amber Malt, Rye Malt, Rauch Malt, Flaked Maize.

Bulging Hop Freezer:

UK Cascade, Columbus, Challenger, Fuggle, Bobek, Goldings, Magnum, Summit, Willamette, Apollo, Chinook, Hersbrucker, Simcoe, NZ Cascade, Tettnang, Green Bullet, Aramis, Junga, Mount Hood, Spalter Select, Marynka, Cluster, Amarillo, Lubelski, Centennial, Riwaka, Citra, Northern Brewer, Galaxy, Super Alpha, Summer, Stella, NZ Hallertau Aroma, Pacific Gem, Warrior, Delta, Topaz, Nelson Sauvin, Pacific Jade, Pacifica, Wai-iti, Kohatu, Wakatu, Motueka, East Kent Golding, Sticklebract.

I wonder how long I can go without firing up the HLT? 🙂 AG#88 will be a….????

Is it cos I is Black – A Black IPA to be served from Cask at the forthcoming NCB Competition meet at Saltaire Brewery. Ali-G reference 🙂 init!  This wall be heavily dry hopped in two stages, first in the FV with Pellet hops, and secondly in the cask with whole hop cones.
I’m managing to use up a few bag ends too, Flaked Wheat, Munich Malt, NZ Cascade & Motueka 🙂

Pale Malt – 70.7%
Flaked Wheat – 8.7%
Munich Malt – 7.9%
Carapils (Weyermann) – 5.9%
Carafa Special III – 2.4%
Black Malt – 2.4%
Cara Aroma (Weyermann) – 1.9%

Magnum – 14.5 % @ 60 mins – 20g – First Wort Hop
Columbus (Tomahawk) – 16 % @ 60 mins – 20g – First Wort Hop
Simcoe – 12.2 % @ 0 mins – 30g – 80c Steep
Chinook – 11.5 % @ 0 mins – 20g – 80c Steep
Nelson Sauvin – 13.0 % @ 0 mins – 20g – 80c Steep
Citra – 13.8 % @ 0 mins – 30g – 80c Steep
Summit – 14.3 % @ 0 mins – 30g – 80c Steep
Motueka (B Saaz) – 13.8 % @ 0 mins – 13g – 80c Steep
NZ Cascade – 10.2 % @ 0 mins – 11g – 80c Steep

Final Volume: 23 Litres
Original Gravity: 1.055
Final Gravity: 1.015
Alcohol Content: 5.2% ABV
Total Liquor: 34 Litres
Mash Liquor: 13.8 Litres
Mash Efficiency: 75 %
Bitterness: 60 EBU
Colour: 129 EBC
Yeast: Safale us-05
Mash for 90mins, Boil for 60mins
Liquor Treatment: General Purpose with the Graham Wheeler Calculator

Malts, malt temp & Salt additions:
Recirculating the first 4-5 litres, first Wort hops in the copper:
154g of 80c steep hops:
Should have been 1055, I got 1050, will do for me:
Pump Clip Design:

Mash efficiency was 83%, I added an extra litre in the sparge to compensate for extra hop-losses in the copper.
Another easy brewday followed by some messing around in Photoshop 🙂
I’ll update this post when I settle on which Dry Hops I’m going to use.

*4th March ’12 – Dry Hopped in FV with 20g of each of the following Pellets; Summit, Nelson Sauvin, Chinook & Cascade. Further whole hop dry-hopping in cask in about a weeks time.

*9th Mar ’12 – Racked this to cask and dry hopped with a further 25g Nelson Sauvin & 38g Simcoe (last of two bags), Allkleer Finings & 25g priming sugar used.
Bit of an pain having a homebrew FV fully dry hopped with Pellets, my Tea-ball syphon worked pretty well until the last couple of litres (critical litres to fill the cask) when it turned into a furry-pellet-blob and stopped flowing, the last little bit I had to jug a little murky beer into the cask.
So that is a Note-to-Self, don’t fully dry-hop the FV with pellets! I feel a mix of pellets & flowers would have not blocked up and a fully dry-hopped FV with flowers has no trouble at all syphoning.
I’d expect that if I had a chill-able Conical FV I could avoid most of this and draw-off the beer above the pellet sludge of rack-off the pellet debris first a day or so earlier.

*31st Mar ’12 – The first cask ale to run-off at the Northern Craft Brewers English IPA Competition at Saltaire Brewery

Abyss Imperial Stout – The big brew! New years Day 2012, a beer to brew-bottle-and-leave until New years Eve (or as long as you can wait! 6 months +) 🙂 Brewing today was the idea of @Leedsbrew and a number of us Homebrew Forum and Twitter users are having an Imperial Stout Brew-a-long, the results should be interesting if we get to taste each others fully matured beers in a years time.

Lager Malt – 69%
Munich Malt I (Weyermann) – 7.2%
Sugar, Date Molasses – 4.9%
Cara Aroma (Weyermann) – 4.5%
Roasted Wheat (Simpsons / Barley Bottom) – 4.5%
Sugar, Molasses (Blackstrap) – 3.8%
Roasted Rye Malt – 2.7%
Chocolate Wheat Malt – 1.8%
Carafa Special III – 1.8%

Target – 10.2 % @ 60 mins – 83g
Bobek – 5.2 % @ 60 mins – 37g
Centennial – 11.5 % @ 60 mins – 10g
Challenger – 7.6 % @ 30 mins – 35g
Pacific Gem – 14.6 % @ 0 mins – 21g (20-30mins steep)
Hersbrucker – 3.0 % @ 0 mins – 20g (20-30mins steep)
Fuggle – 4.9 % @ 0 mins – 19g (20-30mins steep)
Stella – 15.6% @ 0 mins – 19g (20-30mins steep)

Final Volume: 20 Litres
Original Gravity: 1.096
Final Gravity: 1.022
Alcohol Content: 9.9% ABV
Total Liquor: 33.5 Litres
Mash Liquor: 21.2 Litres
Mash Efficiency: 65 % (reduced from a regular 75-80%)
Bitterness: 154 EBU
Colour: 625 EBC

The Malts, 8.455kg of them:
The Sugars, Date Syrup & Blackstrap Molasses:

The day so far:
The mash was on last night at 00:50 and the temp was 66°c, at 9am this morning it had dropped to 59°c.
I did 1 sparge at 80°c with an hour’s Mash-out and collected my pre-boil volume in the copper, as I had expected this was lower than the predicted pre-boil gravity (10 points too low).
I did a second sparge at 80°c with a 30min Mash-out of 12 Litres while boiling the first run-off hard, ran off about half the mash then boiled down some more before running off the rest of the mash. I also added the sugars at this point, and continued boiling down until I reached 1086/7 when the bittering hops went in which will hopefully put me in the 1096 area for the end of the boil.

7 Degree drop over about 8 hours:
Pretty full mash tun with the sparge liquor added:
Today’s hops:
The Molasses going in:
Flameout steep hops, I threw in a 19g sample pack of Stella too (very nice smelling hop):
Dirty Copper, break material forming as the wort cools:
173g Safale US-05 yeast skimmed from previous brew and kept in the fridge for a week at 4°c, I’ll pitch the lot at 18°c:
OG: 1095 Temp corrected (Brix 23.8 with Refractometer = 1096):

Running to FV:
Pretty much hit my predicted OG, yeast pitched (still smelling of Nelson Sauvin hops from AG#70, if it wasn’t that I’ve just ruined an entire brew!) **Update, the beer in my Glass is Ta Moko, it smells just like the yeast, beer is fine)**
Copper is being very slow to run off, must be the thick sticky wort.
Its almost time for a beer, a Chilled very-early taster of Ta Moko just to see how its doing 🙂
I think I’ll be buying some more Basra Date Syrup as it tastes very good and would lend its self very well to a Belgian Ale.

Other peoples NYD Imperial Stout brewdays:  (I’ll add more as they are posted)
Spikesdad’s Imperial Stout
Barney’s Imperial Stout
Leedsbrew’s Titan Imperial Stout Parti-Gyle brewday
Lugsy’s Super Massive Black Hole Imperial Stout
Jimp2003’s Event Horizon RIS (Slightly Belated)
Tom Dobson’s Old Black Imperial Stout

*3rd Jan ’12 – Gravity is currently 1064-ish, Tastes good, some of the hopping coming through and some Fruity stuff which might be the Date Syrup.
*4th Jan ’12 – 1050
*Bottled 18th Jan ’12 – with 60g of White Sugar, filled 50-off 330ml bottles.

*29th Feb ’12 – Taster:
The Carbonation is just about right, a good hiss when popping the cap and a solid mouth tingle.
Beer Colour is dark as it gets, if i shine a very bright LED torch at one side of the glass I can only just see a very, very faint red shape thru the glass.
Smells a leathery, dry, with a touch of alcohol and coffee.
Tastes, full mouth oily coating body, a fair amount of alcohol which lasts as long as the mouth coating, some coffee & liquorice.
I am, again, glad that i used sugars in this beer 🙂

*2nd May ’12 – Just having a bottle of this, its rather good… maybe more like a Black IPA as the sugars have obviously helped to dry it out, very drinkable 🙂

*6th Jun ’12 – Taster time! This is rather bloody good, a full smooth and oily mouth feel, crisp tingly carbonation, its getting to the stage of being like Warm Boot leather and just as chewy 🙂

Trashy Black –  This is kind of an Up-scaled tweak on  AG#45 Trashy Blonde for the #BlackIPAoff with @Broadfordbrewer @BrotherLogic @MrFoleys
AG#45 was a pretty classy 4% beer so fingers crossed when this one is dry-hopped it will be nice and tasty.

Pale Malt – 77%
Munich Malt – 10%
Caramalt – 5%
Wheat Malt – 5%
Carafa Special III – 3%

Simcoe – 12.2 % @ 60 mins – 10g
NZ Cascade – 10.2 % @ 60 mins – 10g
Motueka (B Saaz) – 13.8 % @ 60 mins – 10g
Simcoe – 12.2 % @ 10 mins – 21g
NZ Cascade – 10.2 % @ 10 mins – 21g
Motueka (B Saaz) – 13.8 % @ 10 mins – 21g
Simcoe – 12.2 % @ 0 mins – 18g
NZ Cascade – 10.2 % @ 0 mins – 18g
Motueka (B Saaz) – 13.8 % @ 0 mins – 18g

Final Volume: 20 Litres
Original Gravity: 1.064
Final Gravity: 1.017
Alcohol Content: 6.2% ABV
Total Liquor: 30.7 Litres
Mash Liquor: 13.8 Litres
Mash Efficiency: 75 %
Bitterness: 75 EBU (Hop Utilization set to 25%)
Colour: 93 EBC
Mash: 66c for 60mins
Yeast: Safale US-05
Liquor: General Purpose Treatment

The Malts:
Today’s Brewday is brought to you by Simcoe, Motueka & NZ Cascade hops:
First Wort Hops and tiny common salt addition:
The Mash at 66c:
Running from mash tun into copper:
The gorgeous smelling 80c steep hops, apparently the house was smelling extra Hoppy today:
Break material clumping as the Wort cools, the wort was tasty and already displaying a good bitterness:

Bit of a lazy start to the day then for some reason the hop-stopper decided to block and required some ‘Spatulation’ with the plastic paddle.
Yeast Pitched, in the fridge at 20c. I’ll be dry hopping this with the same combo of hops after fermentation.

*18th Nov ’11 – Dry hopped with 10g Simcoe, 20g Motueka, 20g NZ Cascade

*20th Nov ’11 – Dry hopped with 10g Motueka, 10g NZ Cascade

*Bottled 27th Nov ’11 – with 71g of sugar, I’m drinking the last pint out of the bottling bucket as it tastes too good to throw away. Tastes smooth 🙂
Think it could have stood to be a bit more black, it might be a Trashy Brown!

*25th Jan ’12 Hopzine review of Trashy Black, thanks Rob much appreciated

Odd Ends Stout – This is going to be as black as a black thing, the mash starting to colour well straight after mashing in 🙂
This recipe uses up a load of odd bits of malt up, some fairly old but frozen Willamette hops and a few Sovereign hops left from last weeks Porter. 

Pale Malt – 3400g – 63.1%
Carafa Special III – 405g – 7.6%
Lager Malt – 400g – 7.4%
Flaked Maize – 375g – 7%
Amber Malt – 270g – 5.1%
Brown Malt – 235g – 4.4%
Black Malt – 100g – 1.9%
Flaked Oats – 92g – 1.7%
Crystal Malt, Dark – 48g – 0.9%
Chocolate Malt – 28g – 0.5%
Crystal Rye Malt – 22g – 0.4%

Willamette @ 60 mins – 48g
Willamette @ 30 mins – 48g
Sovereign @ 5 mins – 25g

Final Volume: 23 Litres
Original Gravity: 1.055
Final Gravity: 1.017
Alcohol Content: 4.9% ABV
Total Liquor: 33.7 Litres
Mash Liquor: 12.9 Litres
Mash Efficiency: 80 %
Bitterness: 38 EBU
Colour: 253 EBC

90 minute Mash with 60 minute boil.
Yeast is Nottingham
Water treatment is almost the General purpose profile in the GW calc with the Calcium Chloride upped to the same amount as the Calcium Sulphate.
Calcium Sulphate: 6.3g
Calcium Chloride: 6.3g
Magnesium Sulphate: 3g
I omitted the common salt & chalk additions.

Blended malts & Water Treatment Salts:
Strike Temp:
Doughing in, the Mash smelt of Bitter Chocolate & Coffee:
Mash Temp aimed for and attained:
Hops at FWH, 30mins, 5mins, protafloc & old yeast:
Blooming good mash efficiency:
FWH getting the First runnings from the Mash Tun:
Boiler Almost full:
Natural Gas burner:
30min Hops going in:
5 minute hops and old yeast as nutrient going in:
1052+ on the Hydrometer, the refractometer says 14 brix which is near as dam it 1055:

All cleared up, yeast pitched,  House Smells of Stout! 😉

*Bottled 23rd Nov ’10 with 65g white sugar

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