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Posts Tagged ‘micro stock

After reading the article over at I decided I should work my own Sell thru Rate out, you can read the article for yourselves if you need to know how to work it out 😉 I like these results because they are in no way influenced by referrals or referral earnings.

Sold Images Total Images Sell thru Rate
Istockphoto 322 815 0.3951
Canstockphoto 105 949 0.1106
Bigstockphoto 125 801 0.1561
Fotolia 292 786 0.3715
Dreamtime 397 844 0.4704
Shutterstock 584 717 0.8145
Stockxpert 216 797 0.2710
123RF 135 943 0.1432
Crestock 34 372 0.0914
Total= 2.8237

This makes for some interesting viewing, it shows some subtle differences in what I thought were the best selling sites:

The Leader Board For Sell-Thru: The Leader Board for Sales:
1/ Shutterstock 1/ Shutterstock
2/ Dreamstime 2/ iStockphoto
3/ iStockphoto 3/ Fotolia
4/ Fotolia 4/ Dreamstime
5/ Stockxpert 5/ Stockxpert
6/ BigStockPhoto 6/ 123RF
7/ 123RF 7/ BigStockPhoto
8/ CanStockPhoto 8/ CanStockPhoto
9/ Crestock 9/ Crestock

So now we can see that apart from Shutterstock still being ‘the daddy’, Dreamstime is out in front of iStock which ties into the sales pattern I get from Dreamstime which always seems to sell images of all ages whether newly submitted or older images that I never thought would sell. You do hear about the different agencies weighting their search alogirithm (a mathematical equation that filters the results) in favour of new images and ‘best match’ etc and I’d say this pretty much proves that.

Or… maybe its the easy way that Dreamstime give you referral image HTML code for self promotional use helps ease it in front of iStock?! Because its easier, due to Dreamstime’s features, I self-promote my DT images there more than any other agency. Hmmm… *strokes chin* 😉

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